A quality walk does not mean a long distance walk

In this video, Heidi is demonstrating that an interesting walk does not have to include a lot of walking nor a long distance.

In fact, Heidi is carefully investigating a little piece of land using her own chemistry lab - her nose!

A dog's nose is truly amazing. It is capable of detecting the tiniest odours, something that us humans cannot imagine. In fact, dogs have up to 300 million olfactory receptors in their noses, compared to about 6 million in humans. And the part of a dog's brain that analyses smells is 40 times larger than ours. Incredible, huh?

It is important to realize that our dogs have access to a world that is different from ours - the world of scent.

Providing our dogs with freedom to use their noses and learn about the world is essential for their brain development and well-being.

This means that sometimes your walks will include a lot of sniffing and not much walking - and this is great! Slow down, allow your dog to investigate at their own pace and enjoy your time together.


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